AMI-120USB und AMI-240USB
AMI-120USB und AMI-240USB


Die AVE series AMI – 120USB and AMI – 240USB are mixers with integrated amplifiers. They have 6 MIC/AUX inputs, 1 LINK IN input, 1 PRE OUT output.
Their three bands equalizer for each of the six inputs guarantees clear sound quality and a perfect intelligibility.
A noise gate processor optimizes the product performance in very difficult noise situations, such as those that can be found in places of worship and congress halls.
The noise gate, complete with adjustable threshold of activation, minimizes the reproduction of noise when no microphones are used. A media-player can be connected via USB-port. Stirrups allow the installation in 19” racks with 2 U units.

Downloads AMI-120USB und AMI-240USB:

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